
Lifestock Protection

Understanding how to protect livestock effectively and prevent conflicts with large carnivores from early on is a keystone of our work in the “Euro Large Carnivores” Project (ELC).

Finding ways to coexist with wild animals is one of the most controversial challenges of our time. Increasingly, wolves, bears, lynxes, and wolverines return to their former habitats, causing conflicts between conservationists and livestock owners. To reduce conflicts, we need to educate ourselves and support farmers, landowners, and citizens who are confronted with “large carnivores”.

Go to “videos” to learn from our tutorials that provide step-by-step instructions and a list of all required materials and tools for livestock owners to build a permanent and mobile electric fence.

Carnivore Damage Prevention News (CDPNews) is a professional newsletter focused on the complex challenges presented by the coexistence of large carnivores and human activities that is published twice a year. It received financial support from the Eurolargecarinvores project between 2017 and 2022.